Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mira Mesa Team Newsletter 12/13/11

Good morning, here is the news:

Team Meeting—Tuesday, 10 January, 6:00-7:00.  I don't have a room yet, hopefully I can line up several dates with the Senior Center.  We are always looking for meeting space in central Mira Mesa that we can use after hours, a space that can hold 10-15 people comfortably.  If you have any ideas, let me know, I will pursue anything that looks good.

DSW Cards—New Academy graduates, for your first card you need two Team Meetings and two Continuing Education (CE) credits.  We submit applications every two months on even numbered months.  If you think you qualify, drop me a note, we'll work up your application documents.  Members who need to renew, you need the two CE's and two team meetings in each of the two years your card is good for, and a refresher anytime in that two-year window.

Year 2012—I'm always up for ideas, if there is something you would like to see us do as a team in the coming year, let me know.

That's all for this week.  Questions, comments, you know how to find me.


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