Good afternoon, here is the news:
Team Meeting—We are not having a Team Meeting in March. I will be at the St. Patrick's Day Parade on 17 March, so if you attend that you will get credit for a Team Meeting. April we're back in the Senior Center, we'll have an ICS exercise. I have seen several now, really didn't like any of them, your thoughts are welcome. Since we all just crushed our way through the NIMs classes, I'm thinking this will be interesting.
Oh, and I finally got our meetings on the web site (Wow Steve, what's it been, 2 1/2 years now and you finally got to this?). There are some corrections, we always go 6-7 for example, but those should be up soon. Go here to check it out:
Parade Banner—As Battalion Liaison I seem to be stuck with coming up with a parade banner for Battalion 5 (Battalion 5, that's us, North Coastal and Carmel Valley). Battalion 2 had one last year, so everyone who watched thought we were all in Battalion 2, and I really can't have that again. I've done some reading on this, it's quite a science (felt vs. vinyl, stick on letters vs. paint etc.). If this kind of thing is one of your strengths, drop me a note, I could use the help.
That's all for now, hours due next week, Battalion News follows, might be tomorrow morning. Questions, comments.........
Menlo Park Fire Protection District CERT Academy
2 weeks ago