Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

To all of my friends in Mira Mesa CERT, I'd like to wish the best for you and your families!

Have a safe and fun holiday!

Terry Walters
Mira Mesa CERT

Some Winter Safety Tips from USFA

Some Winter Safety Tips from USFA: "Some Winter Safety Tips from USFA: 'This is from the Family Preparedness Newsletter:

Winter is an especially dangerous time for home fires, as space heaters, holiday lights and candles get more use - it is no surprise that fires in the home are more common between December and February. The U.S. Fire Administration is part of the Department of Homeland Security, and their Web site has a wealth of information to help make this holiday season both warm and safe:

Fire Safety Tips: [ ]


Also, we have posted about the hazards of dry trees in the past but if you decorate with a live tree, be sure to keep it watered -- here is a link to a video for how fast a dry tree can get engulfed in flames.
