Friday, February 8, 2013

MCI Triage Song

Yes, learning can be fun...  TJW

Mira Mesa CERT Newsletter 2/5/2013

Good morning, here is the News:

Team Meeting—This next Sunday, 3:00—4:00 (or maybe 4:30).  We will meet at the Senior Center.  I met with Jennifer, and we decided to go forward with a "static" version of the FEMA flood control module.  So, no playing in the sand.  I did make some contacts that could help us in this if we decide to do it later this year (when it is warmer), we'll see what the schedule will allow.  See you there.

Academy 29 Registration now open—As I said yesterday, an email has already gone out to the 300+ people who went to the website and registered with our notify system.  That doesn't mean they will all sign up at once.  It's an opportunity for us to grow our Team, if you know someone who would be a good fit, please send them the links I give below, or you can download these documents and attach them (they aren't all that big).

You can get a PDF of the class dates here:

An application for the WEDNESDAY class can be found here:

An application for the SATURDAY class can be found here:

Keep in mind the people you want are those types who want to be the ones doing something when catastrophe strikes (you know, kind of like YOU).  If your candidate has questions, please direct them to Jennifer ((, serious inquiries only please, let's help Jen keep her mailbox clear.  Typically the Wednesday class fills up first, so anyone who really wants that night should jump on it immediately.

All for this week.  Questions, comments, contact our Team Leader Jennifer Tang at  Stay safe.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

San Diego CERT Academy 29 Schedule

Greetings, News as usual tomorrow (or when I can get to it), this is a special announcement that I wanted to get out right away, as it's pretty time-sensitive.  Dates for Academy 29 have been announced as follows:

  Wednesday Classes

Class One
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
6pm - 10pm
Class Two
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
6pm - 10pm
Class Three
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
6pm - 10pm
Class Four
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
6pm - 10pm
Class Five
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
6pm - 10pm
Class Six
Palisades Building Recital Hall
9am - 1pm

Saturday Classes

Class One
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
9am - 1pm
Class Two
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
9am - 1pm
Class Three
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
9am - 1pm
Class Four
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
9am - 1pm
Class Five
Balboa Park Club: Santa Fe Room
9am - 1pm
Class Six
Palisades Building Recital Hall
9am - 1pm

I expect the Wednesday class to fill quickly as usual with Saturday close behind.  These dates have already gone out to the pre-registration email list.  It's my understanding that there are over 300 names on that list.  So, here is the deal, if you know someone who lives or works here that you believe would be a fine addition to our team, and they DID NOT sign up for pre-reg, please do our Mira Mesa team a favor and invite him/her to fill out an application.  On the day, we'll need all the help we can get.

You can get a PDF of the class dates here:

An application for the WEDNESDAY class can be found here:

An application for the SATURDAY class can be found here:

Either download these and attach them to your emails, or you can copy the links above and send them to potential applicants.  Trust me, there few motivators greater than a personal note from a friend or colleague asking for this noble commitment, so Jen and I hope you'll take a few minutes to think of some likely people and drop them a note.

