Good morning, here is the News:
May Team Meeting—Wow, already time for the annual radio drill. On schedule for Wednesday, 9 May. I think we'll start a bit early, let's go for 5:30. If that's a problem for you let me know, we can be flexible. Here are the basics, I'll have more as we get closer the drill. This is a drill using FRS (Family Radio Service) radios of limited range. As mentioned in our last meeting, you can't really get one of these any more without the more powerful GMRS channels (for which you need a license), we'll be sticking to FRS anyway, probably our guard channel 7. You can start the drill from your home, or as you enter the Mira Mesa area in your vehicle. I will establish radio Net Control at our rally point. The rally point is in Mira Mesa Community Park, just off New Salem and Camino Ruiz, between Fire Station 38 and The Mira Mesa Recreation Center. We'll likely wind up at one of the concrete picnic benches. Starting from your home, or your car if you are driving in, listen for a full minute to see if you can hear any of our traffic, either me at Net Control or another operator on our Team (if you aren't sure WHO that is, write it down anyway). If you can hear another operator, try to establish two-way communication with him/her. If you can't hear anything, drive toward the rally point, perhaps about 1/3 the way there, pull over and try again. Repeat at least once more until you arrive at the rally point, then join us and report your results. We'll be plotting locations on a map of Mira Mesa, and discussing the exercise. This one might run a bit late as we bring everybody in.
I'll have more detail on this in later News updates, so don't worry if it isn't all clear. Two points I want to make now:
* DO NOT operate your radio or log contact while driving. C'mon, I have to say this?
* If you are getting a radio to do this drill, please make sure you have it tuned to the right channel and know how to operate it before the drill. If you bought a two-radio set (common) then get a family member/friend to do a radio check with you. Or contact me and I'll do a check with you.
We have a few radios to loan, let me know if you want one. If you'd rather not participate as an Operator, plan to join me at Net Control at 5:30, you can listen to the drill there.
Marrow Drive—Saturday, 28 April, 9am-3pm. Registration for Volunteers is closed, thank you so much. If you signed up for this, and you are a new recruit who needs a helmet/vest, please let me know NOW so I can make arrangements for you. I have some fliers available if you know someplace where you can post one, contact me to get some, or you can download it here:
Three most important rules, ASK before you post, even on a community bulletin board, use common sense when posting (make sure it can be removed without a jackhammer), and plan to go back and remove it when the drive is over.
I try to be very careful about not using CERT to flog my own business, but I guess this is a special case in all ways, so if it is easier please send your friends/etc. to my web site to get a flier:
It's right there on the home page.
Remember, our target is the Filipino-American population, ages 18-60, although potential donors under 45 are highly desirable. Thanks.
All for this week, questions, comments, you know how to find me.
Menlo Park Fire Protection District CERT Academy
2 weeks ago