Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mira Mesa Team Newsletter 5/10/11

Good morning, here is the news:

ICS/NIMS Online classes—I took my first one last week (IS-100b), and was really very impressed by the quality of the instruction, it's a thoroughly professional presentation that was very informative.  They walk you through successive screens of information, then ask a few review questions that are answered on the spot, and you get a chance to re-answer the question if you get it wrong.  Sometimes you are asked to simply type in your impressions or answers, then they give you possible answers, there is no "right" or "wrong" on these.  Then there is an occasional video.  They manage to provide a learning experience that works for nearly everyone without being overbearing, it's a pretty good trick.  A few technical issue, sometimes their feedback is short, sometimes there is quite a bit of it, you have to be sure to scroll down on every screen whether or not it looks like there is something there.  Also, once you get started, you can't drop it and come back later unless you leave your browser open to where you were in the instruction, this is one time I would have appreciated it if they dropped a session cookie on me so I could come back to it later and start where I left off.

I strongly urge you to get started on these if you have not, they are required as you know, and there is good reason for that.  Pretty much every First Responder in the Country is required to know these concepts.  They will be invaluable when the Day comes.  Here is the list of required classes:


You can access these courses here:

There is no signup on the CERT web site.

It's good stuff, trust me.  get on it.  Do remember to save your certificates as PDF files, so you can send them electronically to your Team Leader.

SD CERT Refresher—Still taking registrations, Saturday, 25 June 10-2, at our training facilities at NTC.

If you aren't sure if you need a Refresher, drop your Team Leader a note today, please don't wait on this.

Volunteer Victims—Still needed for Academy Graduation, 4 June.  Know any Sumo Wrestlers?  Sign 'em up, these guys need a challenge, right?  Seriously, all types and ages wanted.  The makeup is really cool, but as I understand it if you really don't want the makeup, that's good too.  Have them go here:

to sign up.

Academy 27, Register for Notification—No, we don't have the next Academy on the Calendar yet, but if you know someone who  is interested, have them go here:

where they can register to be notified as soon as the next Academy opens for registration.  Registering for notification does NOT register Candidates for the Academy, when they get the notification they have to follow the link to sign up.  I think this is probably the only way to get in to the very popular Thursday night session these days, so tell your friends and co-workers this is the way to go if they want to join CERT.

That's all for this week, questions, comments, drop your Team Leader a note.