Saturday, May 7, 2011

Red Cross Backpacks @ Costco

Red Cross Backpacks @ Costco: "

Here’s a great gift idea for those that keep meaning to get prepared that never quite get around to it. One for the car, one at work, one at home.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Mira Mesa Team Newsletter 5/4/11

Good morning, a day late, here is the news:

Team Meeting— Tuesday, 10 May.  At the Senior Center, Mira Mesa Blvd. between Westonhill and Camino Ruiz.  I intended to swing by there yesterday to confirm our reservation and get the time moved from 5:30-6:30 to 6-7, but that didn't happen.  If I get in there today, I'll send a confirming note this afternoon.  I think we will discuss ICS as opposed to having a drill.  It might be good to talk about the thinking behind the model, and how we would relate in a larger organization during a large incident.  I know some of you have taken all or some of the required online courses, feel free to come and share your experience.  See you there!

Battalion News follows.  Maybe not right away, but I'll get it done.  Questions, comments, drop me a note.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Mira Mesa Team Newsletter 4/26/11

Good morning, here is the news, Battalion News follows:

Training Reports Due—Any training you took this last month, or anything you have scheduled on Saturday, please let me know via email by this Friday close of business.  As always, I need the title of the course, instructor, date and the number of hours.

Team Meeting—Tuesday, 10 May, Verne Goodwin Senior Center, 8460 Mira Mesa Blvd.  Between Westonhill and Camino Ruiz, remember you have to approach this place from the East (traveling West), unless you have a very substantial vehicle and a contempt for median barriers (and little regard for local traffic laws, let's talk about this).  I'm going to check in with management there about having our meeting from 6:00 to 7:00, as several of you come from a ways away to get here.  Of course, if you have a problem going until 7, now is the time to weight in.  I should have some news on what we are doing next week, a little busy this one.  Your ideas are always welcome.

That's all for this week, questions, comments, you know how to find me.
