Good morning, here is the news:
Team Meeting—10 August 6:00-7:00pm. We'll be at the Senior Center on Mira Mesa Blvd, Between New Salem/Reagan and Camino Ruiz. It's on the North side of Mira Mesa Blvd., so you have to be Westbound to turn in to it, unless of course you do some really creative off-roading (not recommended, they just got some decent landscaping in that center divide). I'd love to get some triage work in, but I think we'd better get our story nailed down for National Preparedness Month, it will be our last meeting before that happens. Please bring your good ideas, we need to reach the Community.
National Preparedness Month—This is a National Effort, sponsored by the Ready Campaign (a FEMA program) and the Citizen Corps. So we can expect some Public Relations air cover. Our objectives locally are to encourage more citizens to be prepared for disaster, and recruit members to our Team. Preparing Mira Mesa is fundamental to our success. It's a simple formula, every family that is prepared to deal with disaster is one more family we don't have to rescue. As you think about how we might approach our Community, assume that we can get you some promotional materials (fliers, brochures etc.) and we may even be able to come up with a tabletop display. As I'm sure you know, most retailers are not excited about camping outside their doors. Even if it is your right to do so, I'm not excited about making local store management mad at us, so let's avoid that unless you have some sort of in with management at a local retailer. I'm talking about putting in a presence at a social or professional group you belong to. Perhaps they will let you say a few words at your next meeting, or set up a table, that sort of thing. Public speaking not your thing? Line up the opportunity, I'll try to make as many of them as I can (I don't lack for a word very often). If you have an idea, please run it past me, then make the approach, and do it SOON. September is already well on the radar for most organizations, if you want to get included in something, this really is pretty close to the last minute. For all that you do, remember these three things:
· Get buy-in from CERT through me. SDFR needs to know where you are and what you are doing. Enough said.
· ASK PERMISSION from the group or other entity you want to work with. Get me involved if it helps. But don't just show up someplace.
· You are CERT, a proud member of a wonderful volunteer organization dedicated to helping others when disaster happens. Your dedication and commitment commands respect. Remember that when you put on the green.
Street Fair—17 September. Mark the Calendar, and plan to spend a few hours, we really need the help. Morning and afternoon shifts will be available. This is probably our best opportunity to have a real impact on our Community for National Preparedness Month. I really want to get a group together before the Fair and practice some demos we can do to demonstrate our purpose and skills. We could do this in our regular Team Meeting slot the Saturday before, but that's two Saturdays in a row, so maybe we'll schedule some time in the evening during the week. Still working through the details, I'll have more next week.
That's all for this week. Questions, comments, GREAT IDEAS, drop me a note.
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