Good morning, here is our Team News. Battalion News follows:
Team Meeting—This Sunday, 10 April 2011. Carmel Valley Recreation Center:
Please RSVP for this meeting. If we need more equipment, we can get it.
We will start PROMPTLY at 1:00, and go until about 3:30. Yes, that's 2 1/2 hours, as we all know practicing rescue techniques takes time. This is a Battalion 5 meeting, so we'll have people in from Teams North Coastal and Carmel Valley. We've got a good mix of skills training planned, including:
* General rescue principles (just a few things they don't tell you in Academy)
* Effective size-up
* Transporting on litter
* Transporting with backboard
* Other carry techniques
* Extraction with cribbing
* Extraction when you don't have cribbing
* Common knots
Several of you have been after me for awhile to throw some knot practice into the mix, so we'll give that a try here. I know some of you really aren't crazy about the Rescue practice, yes, it can be hard. But really, if you don't want to practice Rescue, then you need to be at this meeting. Remember our unofficial motto at CERT "Bring all you have, do what you can". We'll need you on the Day, and that will be the wrong time to find out what you can and cannot do. My solemn promise, you will NOT be required to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. So drop me a reply email and plan to be there.
That's all, questions, comments, drop me a note. Battalion News might be a bit later today (why yes, I DO have a day job), but I should get it out before COB.
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