Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mira Mesa Team Newsletter 1/11/11

Good Morning, here is the news:

*******MIRA MESA*********

February Team Meeting—The Tenth falls on a Thursday.  I mentioned in a previous News that we would probably be doing a radio drill as we did last year.  At last night's meeting (thanks to all who attended, I think everyone improved their wound care skills) it was suggested to me that we really needed a little review on our radio communications skills before we try this. So let's plan on doing the February meeting in my garage where we will review proper radio procedure, then I think we'll do the utilities shut-off review I promised a few months ago and didn't get to.  If you think you can make this meeting, but don't have an FRS radio, please let me know in the next few days, I can get one for you to borrow for the drill.

Upcoming Meetings—In March the Tenth falls on a Thursday.  We should probably do the radio drill, but Daylight Saving Time does not fire up until the following Sunday, so it will be dark.  I'm giving this some thought.  Comments/suggestions invited.  Moving on to April, we have a Sunday to work with, and it's been awhile since we did a rescue skills review, so I guess we should plan for that.  Many of you know what that means;  Big Heavy Dummy is back!  My joy knows no bounds.  I do not like Big Heavy Dummy.  I'll see if he's available, not surprisingly (to me anyway) his schedule is usually pretty open.  Please try to make this one if you can, we don't get much practice with rescue techniques.

******BATTALION 5*********

If you did NOT get the all-hands announcement about the two upcoming CE's, contact your Team Leader immediately. I'll repeat the announcement here:

Upcoming CE—With tax season upon us, you should understand how your volunteer work with CERT may or may not have an effect on your taxes.  SD CERT Liaison Malcolm Gettman is a veteran IRS agent and a great guy.  He's scheduled two sessions on Saturday, 19 February  (11:30am—1:30pm) and Saturday 26 March (9:00am—11:00am) to talk about volunteering and filing your 2010 tax return.  Go here to sign up:

The first session is already full, but you can get on the waiting list.  If you want to go to the second one, don't wait!  You just don't get this kind of good advice from someone so well qualified.

Volunteer to march in the Martin Luther King Day Parade—Never been in a parade?  Here's your chance. The parade is this Saturday 15 January.  We don't know exactly when we will step off, so block your calendar from 9 until Noon to be safe.  The parade route basically circles Petco Park, I estimate it at just over a mile total.  A parade like this is HUGE exposure to an audience that doesn't know us, if would really like to help CERT and you love parades, give this a shot.  Remember, you'll be walking, good shoes, dress for the weather, BRING WATER and have a good time!   Sign up here:

Battalion 6 Community Meeting—I blew it on this one, should have had it in last week's News.  Battalion 6 is trying to get more interest from their Community, so they've scheduled some time at a Community Meeting tomorrow night 7pm, at 511 S. 47th Street, San Diego, CA 92113.  This appears to be the Mount Erie Christian Academy, good picture on Google Maps if you want to check it out.  Looks like 805 South past the 94, off at Imperial, left on Imperial, then right on 47th, maybe 2 blocks to the Academy.  The emphasis will be on explaining how CERT aids the Community, both in personal/family preparation as well as learning how to help in the time of need.  If you have some time tomorrow night, and want to help B6 just by being there in support (you probably don't have to say anything) then please take the time to help out.  Thank you.

That's all for this week.  Questions, comments, contact your Team Leader.


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