Sunday, December 14, 2008

FRS radios (updated 8/25/09)

Thanks to Belmont - San Carlos CERT for the information regarding these radio kits. I have also added a link to the Belmont CERT blog in the links list.

FRS radios for just $10.99 from REACT International (sorry the referring page is no longer active). You do not need any kind of license or permit to use these radios! Although they are only short-range at best, they can be invaluable in bringing help to you quickly when phones aren't working.

Every CERT member should have this type of radio with them with them during drills and actual activations. At the very least, you save time (and your feet) by not having to have someone "run" messages back and forth between your CERT team members. Mira Mesa CERT team's communication plan calls for us to check in on FRS channel 7 (with no privacy code) during an activation. That way we can be directed to where team members are needed even before reaching the rally point. We also assign additional channels for Search, Rescue, Medical, and other teams to use as needed during the activation. Our radio team will also have access to other agencies via our ham radios.

For your family and friends, here is a way to get help when the phones and cellular towers aren't working. An entire communications plan for families is outlined on the EMCOM Family/Neighborhood Emergency Communications webpage. As part of that plan, the Mira Mesa CERT radio team will be monitoring the FRS General Emergency channel 1 as they move around the neighborhood and can become your family's link to help.

Here is the offer in a nutshell. For just $10.99, you get an Emergency communications kit with an FRS radio, radio instructions, and a 1-2-3 Emergency Communications Guide and FREE shipping!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Triage Olympics?? Your thoughts...

Hi Mira Mesa CERT members!

I found another blog which has First Aid Olympics. This is where teams compete to properly treat a victim and it struck me that we could apply it to our triage system.

We could invite other teams to compete with our teams to find victims, perform Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment, transport, and check-in and treatment in the Medical Triage Area.

What do you think?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment Training

Here is a great website with detailed instructions in using the START system.

If you just want to see videos of the various phases of START, click the following links in order.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Triage Tape - faster and cheaper that Tags! (just $8.50 for 4 rolls!)
Two-part CERT Backpacks
CERT Los Angeles Store
The Fire Store
Emergency Medical Supplies and Equipment
CERT Supplies
Safety Services Inc.
Discount Safety Gear Store
Wilderness Medical Gear
Battledress Uniforms/Hurricane Supplies
North Safety Products (CERT Helmets)
911Providers Gear Shop
MedWorldwide EMS Products


Homeland Security Threat Level (with Air Travel restrictions)


IS-317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams
CERT Training Videos Link (I had trouble with some of the video links)
16-minute CERT video (good CERT operations after a tornado dramatization) and several preparedness videos produced by Cobb County, Georga Emergency Management Agency.


California DOF Fire Incidents
GeoMac Wildland Fire Support
USGS Recent Earthquake Mapping (Close to real-time)
Hurricane and Storm Tracking
1st Responder Broadcast Network


FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
CERT-LA - Community Emergency Response Team - Los Angeles
California Citizen Corps CERT Link


San Diego CERT Homepage
Citizen Corps CERT Homepage
San Diego Hams Emergency Preparedness

October 2007 Firestorm info and pictures

107 San Diego CERT volunteers provided over 3000 man hours of direct support to the San Diego Fire/Rescue Dept! This support meant that more than 10 fire engine companies were able to fight the fires every day instead of doing the jobs that we were doing.

A special thanks to the Mira Mesa team members who were involved:
Laura Berry - Animal Rescue team
Kathy & Randy Madsen - MMHS volunteers, shelters, Scripps ARES/EMS radios
Alan Philpott - Evacuation prep, MMHS
Nhon Lam - Station 28, RB Fire Camp
Brad Buffett - MMHS, Station 28
Christine Marcucci - MMHS, MM CERT Comms, Evacuation prep, shelters
Nancy Saks - Medical Ops Center (MRC team)
Chip Saks - Station 28, RB Fire Camp
Barb Navarette - 211 Call Center
Terry Walters - Station 28, RB Fire Camp

My apologies if I missed anyone!

Mira Mesa CERT website info moved here

Hi everyone!

Due to the problems with the Mira Mesa CERT domain name, all of the website's information will be moved here. Comments are welcome.

TJ Walters